
Clayton Valley Charter High SchoolWe are a community of individuals who are advocates for the transparent operation of Clayton Valley Charter High School.

We are all members of the Clayton Valley Charter High School community. Whether we be teachers, staff, parents, community members, students, or alumni, we are all stakeholders in the effort to provide the highest level of education to our community’s children.

We are advocates for transparency. CVCHS was created so that parents, teachers, staff, students, and the community could all be part of the process of developing quality educational practices and making the school shine. This group continues in the quest to ensure all stakeholders are informed, involved, and satisfied with the direction our charter is going in.

Opinions of commenters to http://www.stakeholdersfortransparency.wordpress.com and http://www.facebook.com/CVCHSStakeholders do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of Stakeholders for Transparency and are attributed to the commenter alone.  We encourage vigorous debate but reserve the right to delete any inappropriate or anonymous posts or comments.

You can also find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/CVCHSStakeholders


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